Encounters between Japanese Budo and Western Combative Sports: Cultural Confrontation and Exchange through Interdisciplinary Matches
March 6, 2025
organized by Goka Tomotsugu (International Budō University), Yabu Kōtarō (Ritsumeikan University), and Andreas Niehaus (Ghent University)
joined workshop by
The Budo and Sports Research Institute Research Project “The Study of Interdisciplinary Matches Conducted with the Spread of Budo Internationally”
Ghent University Centre for Research on Body Cultures in Motion (BOCULT)
Venue: Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, room Avalon (3.31), Blandijnberg 2, 9000 Ghent
星野映 (早稲田大学) Hoshino Utsuru (Waseda University)
Title: 芸人からレスラーへ:1910年代のフランスにおける相撲興行 (From Performer to Wrestler: Sumo Tournaments in France in the 1910s)
工藤龍太(上智大学)Kudō Ryūta (Sophia University)
Title: 合気道と異種格闘技試合 (How Did Aikidō Meet Different Types of Martial Arts and Combative Sports?)
11:00-11:15 Coffee Break
劉暢 (国際武道大学) Liu Chang (Kokusai Budō Daigaku)
Title: 摔跤と柔道の邂逅:歴史に埋もれた中国武術と日本武術の交差点 (Shuai Jiao Meets Judo: A Forgotten Crossroads in the History of Chinese and Japanese Martial Arts)
藪耕太郎(立命館大学)Yabu Kōtarō (Ritsumeikan University)
Title: 伊藤徳五郎の秘蔵写真から読み解くMMA:1910-20年代の北中米における柔道vs西洋格闘技
12:45-14:00 Lunch Break
ニーハウス・アンドレアス (ゲント大学) Andreas Niehaus (Ghent University)
Embodied Nations: Catch-as Catch-Can Wrestling and Kōdōkan judo Fights at the Yasukuni Shrine in 1921.
14:45-15:15 Coffee Break
ジョン・タスカー (カーディフ大学) John Tasker (Cardiff University)
Title: Pride FC (1997-2007): Japanese Aesthetics and Global Sports Entertainment (Pride FC(1997–2007)日本文化とグローバルMMA)
五賀友継(国際武道大学)Goka Tomotsugu (International Budō University)
Title: なぜ弓道はオリンピック参加を目指したのか?:弓道とアーチェリーの異種試合 (Why did Japanese Traditional Archery “Kyūdō” aim for Olympic Participation?: Interdisciplinary Archery and Kyūdō Matches)